Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Taman National Meru Betiri

Technorati ProfileMeru Betiri National Park is tropical rain forest with various formations such as coastal vegetation, mangrove, marshland, rheophyte, bamboo, and low land rain forests. The number of flora in the park are more than 355 species indude several endemic species such as:
1. Padmosari (Rafflesia zolingeriana)
2. Balangoptera fungosa
3. Pule landak (medical plant)

The number of fauna in the National Park is more than 181 species; consist of insect, aves, primates, reptiles and mammals. Some of them are:
1. Leopard
2. Wild pig
3. Javan Tiger
4. Primata monkey
5. Birds
There are several of birds; some of them are kingfisher, Rangkok Papan, Elang Jawa and many others.

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